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Published: July 2022

Video Conferencing (VC) is a technology that promised much a few years ago but experience left many organisations and individuals disappointed.  Now, the technology has matured – and the need for good VC has never been greater.

The world is more connected than ever before.  In the workplace, customers and colleagues expect work to be carried out faster than ever – yet work commonly requires communication with customers, suppliers and partners in different locations to deliver highly tailored and integrated solutions.

At the same time we are facing external pressures like never before.  The Covid-19 pandemic shone a spoltlight on how viruses and other health issues can make it very difficult for people to travel, and gather in large numbers – many business conferences were cancelled in 2020/21 due to the threat of viral spread.  Also, we are now much more aware of the environmental impact of our actions thn ever before.  One return flight from London to New York produces more carbon dioxide than most people emit in a year.  Can we really justify that harm to our planet for a business meeting?

Many organisations are successfully addressing these challenges with the help of VC. Showing the reality of how essential VC in modern business.

Good VC systems can now give you 4K picture quality, excellent sound, no lag, include many participants in different locations using different devices (from sophisticated boardroom solutions to mobile phones), as well as recording and other options.  For example, both IQ-EQ and Suntera are global wealth management businesses with offices worldwide and highly demanding clients.  They both chose Lifesize, an award-winning, easy-to-use VC system.  All locations can quickly communicate face to face.  Both businesses found it enabled them to connect colleagues and clients rapidly and effectively, boosting client satisfaction and staff productivity.  Both have also saved countless airmiles in the process. Describing Lifesize as a ‘no-brainer’.

With Teams meetings becoming the new normal for outlook invites, our solutions integrate fully with Teams and Zoom accounts to support Digital Transformation in all areas of the business.

For 4K quality meetings and presentations, contact Simon Webb to discuss a high quality solution that works.

NB: *Teams and Zoom can currently only support 1080p video.

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